About D-seal
What is the D-seal
IT security is more important than ever, and that’s why the D-seal was created to help businesses clarify their digital responsibility so that consumers can experience digital safety and together we can create a strong digital Denmark.
The D-seal is the first labeling program that, based on international standards, combines both IT security and responsible data usage into one label, relevant for all types of businesses—because anyone can experience breaches in IT security.
This also means that everyone needs to be involved if we are to succeed, and it requires a gathred effort. That’s why the D-seal was created in collaborative initiative. The Danish Industry Foundation is backing the initiative together with The Confederation of Danish Industry, The Danish Chamber of Commerce, SMEdenmark, and The Danish Consumer Council. The D-seal is supported by the Danish Business Authority and is an independent private organization.
Organisation and origin
The D-seal is managed daily by a dedicated team of employees who assist businesses throughout the entire process, from the initial self-assessment and guidance to supervision and control, leading to the final awarding of the D-seal.
The steering committee ensures proper progress and anchoring in the reality of businesses, while the D-seal's advisory board consists of members with expertise in all aspects of IT security and responsible data usage.
Below, you can see an overview of the D-seal's employees, along with the members of the steering committee and advisory board.
Mikael Jensen
DirectorMajken Prip
Chief consultantRebecca Semler Gade
Lead AuditorAnne Kathrine Thye Rasmussen
Marketing ManagerStine Randklev Nissen
Lead auditorEmil Zeiler Alfsen
Lead AuditorJetmir Asani
Lead AuditorValmir Bytyqi
AuditorCathrine Joon Bjørnbak
Steering committee
Alan Jensen
CIO & Senior Vice PresidentSalling GroupAndreas Holbak Espersen
CharimanIndustry Director and Chief of Digitalization Policy - DI DigitalThe Confederation of Danish IndustryFinn Vagner
Managing DirectorDanish Cloud CommunityMorten Rosted Vang
ObserverDirector - Information Security and Digital CompetenceAgency for Digital GovernmentMalene Stidsen
ObserverProgram ManagerThe Danish Industry FoundationNiklas Winther
SMVdanmarkChief ConsultantNikolaj Juncher Wædegaard
Senior Vice PresidentDanish Chamber of CommerceTine Segel
Representative of The Danish Consumer Council ChairmanThe Danish Union of Cultural and Information AcademicsUffe Rabe Krag
Political directorThe Danish Consumer Council
Advisory board
Anders Kofod-Petersen
Professor of Applied Artificial Intelligence /CEOPiedBoeufAnders Struve Mynster
Head of IoTAlfa LavalBerit Aadal
Senior AdvisorDanish StandardsBirgitte Kofod Olsen
DirectorHuman/Rights/AdviceGrit Munk
Senior AdvisorIDA, The Danish Society of EngineersHelle Friborg
CEOLeave A Mark Consulting GroupClaus Hjort
Head of a secretariatThe Council for Digital SecurityJacob Ansholm
Tech Governance LeadKompasbank A/SMartin Gertz Andersen
DirectorSmart City DenmarkMax Gersvang Sørensen
AttorneyGorrissen FederspielMikkel Flyverbom
ProfessorCBS, Copenhagen Business SchoolPeter Troels Brahe
Senior DirectorKMDRikke Frank Jørgensen
Senior ResearcherThe Danish Institute for Human RightsSanne Vincent
Thomas Brenøe
Director GeneralInsurance & Pension DenmarkThomas Kristmar
Divisional managerThe Agency for Governmental IT ServicesThomas Troels Hildebrandt
Professor in software engineering, Head of the research section for software, data, people & societyUniversity of Copenhagen, Department of Computer ScienceTom Engly
Technical expertThe Danish Police Complaints Authority